CONTEST HAS ENDED! Congrats to Jayme!
Thank you so much to all the entires I got as a response to my posting! Below are the amazing engagement stories that were shared with me and I hope I am able to capture the rest of the love story for them!
Kyera N.:
He spent 4 months going around to everyone that means the world to us asking permission or letting them know how and when he would do it. The week before he had his mom take me to get our nails done (which we do pretty often so nothing strange there!) It was a brisk day in march and he said we had a couple of errands to run for his mom which he said was looking for a place to take pictures of our family that would be coming into town that next week! I was a little resistant because it was so cold but somehow he convinced me to throw some jeans on and a couple sweatshirts and go out! We looked at the Yankton trails and he said he really wanted to go look at the falls so we did that too. He insisted that we go up the hill past the falls… the next thing I know he is showing me a video of my dog barking on our patio and I’m asking him why he let her bark so much! wink emoticon he said keep watching and I’m sure glad I did! (See video above) I turned around and everyone was right there with us the whole time! We all came back to our place and grilled burgers and brats and talked about wedding ideas! I am so excited I’m engaged to my best friend who just happens to be the love of my life! We are so blessed to have such amazing and supportive friends and families!
See the video here:
Alejandra V.:
On a Sunday in July of 2014 my fiance ask me to marry him it was the day I said I do. From them on my heart couldn’t stop but to say yes…we went to the movies n also had a daughter in April of 2014. I then on realized that it take two people to become one…I was in love at the age of 19 and knew from there that my whole life I’ve been lookin’ was right there from the start…when my fiance asked me to marry him on that day it was nothing but a happy moment of joy and tears. He surpised me with a big red ruby ring and on that ring he wrote babe i love uu…this day I would never forget but to remember the day of feeling so amazed.
Jayme W.:
On Friday, July 3rd my boyfriend (at the time) and I were going to
take two of our out of town friends to see the Palisades State Park. We were posing for a picture when he reached down and pulled a lifesize replica of my engagement ring (that he made himself out of wood) out of a book bag. I was so confused as to what was going on when he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! My friends were also there and got the entire thing on video. Afterwards, we went back to my house in Brandon where all my best friends were waiting to help us celebrate a night out in Sioux Falls. It was a night I will never forget!
Morgan D.:
Just a normal day in December. my fiancé asked if we wanted to go eat some where that evening, so we did. I picked Famous Dave’s, what’s more romantic than barbecue ha!! Then he asked if I wanted to go walk around falls park and check out the Christmas lights around the park, I’ve never seen them before! We started on our walk in falls park, just a normal walk, I wasn’t thinking anything of it. Until he walked me up to a dressed up light post that had a ornament on it. The ornament read “Morgan, you leave me breathless! Our love is strong, together we are complete! I will always stand by your side! But.. Right now I am behind you, turn around! I turn around and there he is on his knee asking to marry him! Of course I said yes!!!!And he had a photographer come and catch the whole thing!! It was the most perfect proposal I could of Ever dreamed of! But the night wasn’t done yet! We finished walking around the falls, we sat on a bench and talked. Shortly after we sat down he had what he called his “bro service” (some of our friends) come and serve us champagne and gave me flowers!! We sat under the stars and lights and cherished the moment!!! It was the best night I could of ever asked for!!!!
Michaela W.: My fiancé started working at my uncles motorcycle shop in 2011. My dad would go down there for lunch and tell Derrick that he had a daughter he could date (jokingly? Maybe, maybe not!). The very first time I laid eyes on the handsome man who lays next to me sleeping right now, I felt like a lightning bolt shot through my body; what i could only explain as love at first sight. Fast forward ohh almost two years later, October 2013, we were laying in bed the day before my beauty school graduation. Derrick asked if I was nervous for the next day, I told him I was because I am such a baby. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and told me that I was his baby and that he loved me. He pulled out the ring and slide it on my finger. No, it wasn’t movie perfect but in my world it was perfect. We are best friends. That’s the best part, we have so much in common and yet so much differences. We fit each other perfectly. Marriage isn’t about a perfect engagement or a big expensive ring (or wedding!), but the love that you have for one another. I wouldn’t change that night for the world. <3
Cassandra P.:
3 years ago I was lost, I turned to online dating. I can’t remember the site that my lover and I meet on, but we started dating in January, by February 10th he bought me flowers with a little note one them asking me to be his girlfriend. I also found out that I was pregnant with my ex’s kid. My new man was great and stuck with me and supported me through everything. Helping me raise my little man smile emoticon on February 10th of 2014 he asked me to marry him,and of course I said yes. We where going to get married in May 22 2015, sadly we had some financial issues that we could not have the wedding I wanted. Maybe next summer, I’ll finally take on Skadsen as my last name.
Rebecca S.:
My fiancé, Jake, and I were at his cabin for the weekend with his family. On Saturday we spent the day fishing and Jake patiently worked with me on holding a fish. Around 5:30 that evening we started getting ready for our dinner reservation with his family. He told me we were going to dinner because his sister really wanted to. I got ready like normal, except I put on a dress because his little sister was excited and wanted to dress up. Jake and I were ready early, so he asked if I wanted to fish while we waited. As soon as we got out on the dock he handed me a pole and I dropped my line in the water. Little did I know, this was just a distraction so he could pull the ring out of his tackle box and get down on one knee. Almost immediately after I dropped my line in, I caught a fish! I was so excited but this was not a part of his plan. He quickly got up, put the ring away, and took the fish off the hook. He threw it i
n right away and I was thinking, “Why didn’t you let me hold it?” As I turned around to ask him, he took my breath away… he was down on one knee, holding a beautiful ring and smiling up at me. He asked me to spend the rest of my life with him! I couldn’t believe how lucky I was and I said YES! To my surprise, my parents showed up at the restaurant to join us for dinner. Jake, had already asked their permission, got their blessing, and arranged for them to share this special moment with us! We were so blessed to have our parents with us! I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with my best friend and the boy who stole my heart!
Megan S.:
Our engagement was wonderful. My fiancé and I have been together since freshmen year of high school, almost 6 years. It was my boyfriend’s (at the time) birthday. We spent the day going out for breakfast, playing mini golf and ended it with dinner downtown. He then told me he wanted to walk around for a while since it was such a beautiful night. He took me down by the river while the sun was starting to set. He told me that all he wanted for his birthday was to spend the rest of his life with me! Then, he got down on one knee. It was perfect. He also had my best friend hiding around the corner capturing the moment. And might I add, the ring is gorgeous too!
Katrina K.:
My fiancé and I have been together for almost 3 years. We have frequently talked about getting married so I had a hunch that we would get engaged soon. I was a little worried about how he would propose because he isn’t the greatest planner;) I always figure out his plans before they happen because it’s hard for him to keep a secret. However, he definitely pulled this one off! He was gone for a week on a family vacation and I stayed behind to work. The night he got back, I was very excited to see him! I didn’t have power in my apartment from a thunderstorm so I couldn’t make a big welcome back supper– but he already had that covered. He picked up Panera mac and cheese (our favorite) on his way into Sioux Falls and then picked me up for a picnic. (On a side note, he had some help from a friend in ordering the food because he was running late). He had planned to go to Falls Park, but I said I wanted to show him Tut Hill Park. I put a wrinkle in his plans (like usual), but he went with it! We ate our picnic at Tut Hill in a gazebo surrounded by a flower garden. After we ate, he pulled out this Winnie the Pooh book. I loved Winnie the Pooh when I was little and I am going to be an Elementary teacher so I have been obsessed with kids books recently. He told me to read the book…or listen to it I guess I should say. It was a recordable book. He recorded himself reading the book, and after each page he read, he added little sayings about us. We listened to the whole book together and laughed about his little tidbits. After I listened to the last page, I looked up at him and he was on one knee with the ring box in his hand and asked me to marry him. I was in total shock and started tearing up. I was asking him so many questions about how he planned it that I almost forgot to say YES! It was perfect for us. I found out that he had been planning this for four months without me knowing, had gone all the way to the twin cities to buy a ring but then found a better one in Sioux Falls that they had to order and he had to drive all the way back to the cities to return the first one, AND he drove over 2 hours to my house before he left for his family vacation to ask for my parents’ permission in person. I couldn’t have asked for a better man to marry! And I have to reconsider his planning abilities 😉
Rhonda S.:
On a random April morning my fiance asked me to go on an airplane ride with him since one of his friends on the fire dept. with him is a pilot. As
we were flying over a few of his family’s fields he pointed things out to me as we went. At one point he told me to look over to my right. As i did, I saw “Will You Marry Me” written in the field with a disc! I should mention he is VERY afraid of heights, so as soon as I said yes and shed a few tears, he was more than ready to be on solid ground! I along with many others were so impressed with how well we could read it from the plane and he didn’t even need to use the tractor’s GPS to get the lines so straight!!! Sure makes me wonder how many others had flew over the field and seen the proposal!
Oceaan Nicole F.:
He took me to my favorite place, which is the park my grandpa used to take me to before he passed away. He pushed me on the swings for a minute then we went over by the picnic tables and he sat next to me and told me how much he loved me and all that after that he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him <3 <3 <3
Amy C.:
Had texted my fiancé on my break at work that morning telling him how my fibro was at a all time high of pain and work wasn’t helping , the stress of working the floor by myself ,co-workers not showing for their shift and ect….he showed up after he was off work proposed in front of everyone on his knee with a red rose!! I was surprised and ecstatic!! Said yes of course and that last couple hrs where the best!! He loves me so much !! Can’t wait to be his wife!!! Waited 46 yrs to be one and proud I’ll be his!!!
Samantha I.:
On our 6th anniversary my fiancé now wanted to take me out for dinner! He asked my mom to take both out kids! On the night of dinner he seemed off, and nervous, but I didn’t think any thing off it! When it came time to leave my mom ended up flaking on us frown emoticon so we took the kids to a Mexican restaurant, a three week old and a 4 yr old! Josh and I were a bit upset that we couldn’t enjoy a dinner by ourselfs! But we had good company wink emoticon! And the pitcher of margaritas did me good! After supper we went to the movie store and got a movie(which we never watched) on our way home our kids fell asleep smile emoticon! I went to the room and was well a bit tipsy to say the least, and josh was no where to be found! I went down stairs and there was a brown box in the middle of the floor that Said open me! Out came a balloon and In the box was a dozen roses, and a bottle of my fav champagne! I was so busy looking at the stuff in the box that I didn’t read the balloon which read will you marry me! I trueness around and he was on one knee of course I said yes! The he asked for a dance! It was totally unexpected and I was deff surprised! Love him, and no matter what happened that day he was still determined to ask me that night! (Mom felt bad after)!
WIN A FREE ENGAGEMENT SESSION! Over the weekend I hit the 3K mark on my Facebook page so I thought I would do a little giveaway to say thank you for your support!
TO WIN: comment below with your engagement story and you will be entered to win! Contest will be live through Sunday, July 12th 🙂
It’s your love story. Brag a little.™
Bethany Melvin Photography is a Sioux Falls, SD wedding photographer who specializes in capturing love stories. Bethany Melvin Photography is based in the Midwest, but is available nationwide and for destination weddings. Have a question or want more information on booking? Contact Bethany today at or visit